Wednesday, December 30, 2009
new year 2010
2009 is ending in two days time... everybody is setting a new year resolutions and missions, and how about you?
I have none actually except for taknak makan nasi...haha macam real
But that will be our ( me and hubs resolution for 2010 )...
reasons nak kurus of course and to live a healthier life...insya-allah
my 2009 was great...everything single thing about 2009 has make me a better person than 2008.
is great, having a great life partner, a bestest friend, a husband and also a great father to children is most beautiful gift of all... without him i'll be nothing. The additional of young gentlemen to my quiet lil family is superb and i hope i can make more babies next year, a twins perhaps... parents and siblings.. we've become closer after 'that' discussion..
Thanks to my brother for the calling...
I can conclude my love life in 2009 is just superb, alhamdullilah
work/ financial
after almost a year of not working, i think i should be doing something to make my pocket happier. haha
With so many wanting this and that, and my likings to those beautiful handbags, arghhhh, hubs is not that keen of giving me 'face' buying me those expensive handbags that often.
and to achieve my goals in getting the infinity list of my wantings, and to make that one tiny mouth shut off...whattt??
i have to plan something lahhhh of course!
since hubs does not like the idea of me working with people, i have to start a business. Yes! Business!
Insya-allah, if everthing goes well...i'll be operating my digital print in March 2010. Insya-allah. Aminnn.
hmmm...2009 ups and downs has made me a better person. i am trying and still trying to be closer to my creator. my determination has totally changed.
Semuanya kerana Allah yang satu.
Apa pun yang akan ku buat semuanya kerana Allah.
Thanks to esq, coz esq yang membuka mindaku menjadi lebih waras memikirkan kewujudanNya.
Nawaituku untuk membuat business adalah untuk menolong suamiku, untuk lebih menyelesakan hidup kami anak beranak, membahagiakan ibu-bapaku, and hopefully untuk membuka lebih banyak peluang pada orang-orang lain mendapat pekerjaan. Insya-allah. AMINNN.
Ya allah, permudahkan lah segala urusanku...aminnn
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My Facebook has been hacked by
This is the image of the hacker. I just dont get it why she must have done thing like this..hacking others' privacy. What did you get bitch?? As per my email, i already gave you 24 hrs time to handover my fb account after 7 days of being an impersonator of me...
Tomorrow i'll go with hubby and lodge a police report.
I gave you enough time.

Whatever your name is....., u are just pathetic!
I did not bug u or family......but u just did to me...i think u deserve this!!!
stupid girl
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Skodeng others blog! sis "RATU" suka sangat bace this particular blog. Yang aku perasan, the blog title is Love me Hate me..
So nak jadikan cerita....when i get the chance to use the internet, i trus skodeng u...
Hurm...xdelah menarik sgt...banyak gambaq-gambaq...
tapi kan...
Why do i keep on blogging at that particular blog...must have that X factor right...
Go and experience yourself HERE
I'm sure RATU is not a fan of my blog, so she wont even want to read my post...kalau tak...sure kene perli tak ingat nyer.!
To that lady .. the blog owner...syabas!! ;)
So nak jadikan cerita....when i get the chance to use the internet, i trus skodeng u...
Hurm...xdelah menarik sgt...banyak gambaq-gambaq...
tapi kan...
Why do i keep on blogging at that particular blog...must have that X factor right...
Go and experience yourself HERE
I'm sure RATU is not a fan of my blog, so she wont even want to read my post...kalau tak...sure kene perli tak ingat nyer.!
To that lady .. the blog owner...syabas!! ;)
Kidz Cabin Sports Day 2009
Date : 10.10.09
Locaton : MPAJ Hall, Ampang Jaya
After 2 months of waiting...this is it. Kidz Cabin Sports Day.
Woke up as early as 7.00am. Maid told me, my brownies terjatuh from the table and guess what.?? We need to bake again as we have promised earlier to the school that we are contributing choc brownies for the sports day.
Thank God, 7-11 does sell butter but the price ?? mak aiii...betul-betul cekik darah.
For 250g of buttercup cost me RM 5.80, where as i can get RM 3.50 (the most) @ carefour.
Gila tak??
But since i've promised, so buat lah dengan ikhlas, afterall it was my mistake for not putting it in the fridge the night before.
As i need to be @ the location by 8am, i have to get my maid to bake it again. And alhamdullilah, everything went well...

us with one of kidz cabin's winner...yeahh

with the sporting parents...;)
Locaton : MPAJ Hall, Ampang Jaya
After 2 months of waiting...this is it. Kidz Cabin Sports Day.
Woke up as early as 7.00am. Maid told me, my brownies terjatuh from the table and guess what.?? We need to bake again as we have promised earlier to the school that we are contributing choc brownies for the sports day.
Thank God, 7-11 does sell butter but the price ?? mak aiii...betul-betul cekik darah.
For 250g of buttercup cost me RM 5.80, where as i can get RM 3.50 (the most) @ carefour.
Gila tak??
But since i've promised, so buat lah dengan ikhlas, afterall it was my mistake for not putting it in the fridge the night before.
As i need to be @ the location by 8am, i have to get my maid to bake it again. And alhamdullilah, everything went well...
us with one of kidz cabin's winner...yeahh
with the sporting parents...;)
Kidz Cabin
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Serenia Gardens
" All I can share now after being there myself is that everything is magnificient. The house is going to be a place we can call home. It exceeded my expectation. The area and the surroundings are very serene and calming with the fresh air with the birds and cricket sound. They even claimed that we don't have to install any aircond, and in the early morning, they will be mist all over the place. On the way out, at the top the the road before it descend to the sales office, we can actually saw the KLCC from there. What a view. " -- anonymous
Hurmm........i kinda like serenia gardens, sejuk je. Dekat dengan ampang yang penting.
Our loan is approved @ 80%. Alhamdullilah, but mana nak cari RM 50k nak top up nih???
Im stressed...i bet, he is too. But need to move out from my mom's place asap. Dah tak muat bilik dah kami anak beranak. Badan pulak semua besaq rumah. I actually gave up oredi. Mr RM pon ada cakap. If loan tak lepas, i can go shopping with the refund booking fee amounting RM 2700.
Dah berangan pon to get myself a bb. Dah semua skrg dok pakat pakai bb, kita pon nak gak kan.
But i guess, Mr. RM is not giving up YET. He's still trying to figure out something BRILLIANT... without applying any sort of loan.
Nak refinance rumah subang?? 3 bulan at least babe! mana nak cekau rm5ok skrg??
hurmm.......Kalo Allah kata rumah tu rezeki, kot manapon, mmg rumah tu nanti aku punya....kalau x....adalah sebaliknya....
Although im giving up oredi, tipulah kalau aku xnak rumah tu kan....i am willing to help Mr. RM walau mcm mana carapun...
Sbnrnya i did broke down 2 weeks go sbb 5 other banks rejected our application. Cuma bank hok 1 ni je yg approved. Yer lah, siap pi site visit tu...
Monday, October 26, 2009
dear sayang...

dear sayang...
tiba-tiba i rasa sayang sangat you.. mmg la selama ni i sayang you, tapi ntahlah tiba-tiba macam sebak and betul-betul bersyukur dengan kurnian Allah..and it's YOU..alhamdullilah
kadang-kadang i kesian dekat you, kerja teruk, tak tidur malam, , kerja office melambak, malam pulak layan lagi orang datang rumah...seriously i am very honourned married to a very famous and lovable gentleman...
macam-macam orang you nak kena layan (tolaklah kerja office) and tak pernah complaint. you suka tolong orang eventhough badan penat, otak pusing, etc....tapi kadang-kadang kita kenalah selfish
kesian anak-anak you, kene berjuang lawan untuk share masa dengan orang-orang lain......macam i takper....i paham coz from day 1 i kenal you memang you kerja cam gini...and i am well prepared, tapi tu laa....anak-anak, they need you......
next year, insya-allah, bila business i dah stable, kita bawak anak-anak jalan tau, pi singapore bawak pi zoo, mesti ur princess suka...and please kali ni make sure jadi. kita kene banyak jalan-jalan outside malaysia, so you tak akan dapat phone calls pasal kerja....hahaha (evil me). and kita start dulu dengan singapore ok
love you so much
dear diary
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hmmm...macam mana haa? stress laa, kenapa dia tak nak bertaubat? Hati dia dah buta ke haa?
Sedih, bengang, benci, geram, menyampah, sakit hati, eeeeeeeeeeeee! macam nak bahasakan je org tu. Apa apakan daya, hanya Allah yang lebih tau. Even the closest person to me pon tak tau. Not even Mr. RM ...

Masa ni tak payah la nak menyesal, takde benda pon nak disesalkan. Benda dah jadi, so hadapi jelah dengan senyuman. And trying to figure out something to amend it.
Tapi sebenarnya benda ni datang bukannya dari aku. Orang lain yang buat, orang lain yang kena. Entahlah, mesti ada hikmahnya.
Harapan aku hanya dua:
1. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusanku
2. Semoga orang terdekat disekelilingku tidak berprasangka buruk padaku dan dia
Feel like crying now.
I need my Mr. RM............. sayang cepat balik!!! i need you now!!!
Sedih, bengang, benci, geram, menyampah, sakit hati, eeeeeeeeeeeee! macam nak bahasakan je org tu. Apa apakan daya, hanya Allah yang lebih tau. Even the closest person to me pon tak tau. Not even Mr. RM ...

Masa ni tak payah la nak menyesal, takde benda pon nak disesalkan. Benda dah jadi, so hadapi jelah dengan senyuman. And trying to figure out something to amend it.
Tapi sebenarnya benda ni datang bukannya dari aku. Orang lain yang buat, orang lain yang kena. Entahlah, mesti ada hikmahnya.
Harapan aku hanya dua:
1. Semoga Allah permudahkan urusanku
2. Semoga orang terdekat disekelilingku tidak berprasangka buruk padaku dan dia
Feel like crying now.
I need my Mr. RM............. sayang cepat balik!!! i need you now!!!
dear diary
Friday, October 16, 2009
PUNB - Prosper
Muktamad! We are going for prosper plan A. Been to PNS jugak, but after "perah"ing our otak... PROSPER is the best option so far.
I am going for the short course next week, hopefully everything will end up well....AMINN
now...i can foresee my COLORFUL FUTURE....insya-allah. AMINNN
I am going for the short course next week, hopefully everything will end up well....AMINN
now...i can foresee my COLORFUL FUTURE....insya-allah. AMINNN
Home maker
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pink guava named 'Fruit of the Year'
By Sim Bak Heng
JOHOR BARU: A new clone of pink guava which weighs at least a kilogramme each has caught the attention of the Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (Fama).
In fact, Fama has chosen the variety as the fruit of the year and will intensify its promotions to market the fruit in every fiesta locally and overseas.
The fruit of 2008 and 2007 were cempedak durian and Malay apple (jambu air) respectively.
Fama southern region director Shahid Bakar said pink guava was chosen as it is getting increasingly popular even among retail sellers who serve fruits sliced.
He said the new clone had entered the market a year ago and is selling like hot cakes.
"It could weigh up to 1.2kg a fruit.
"It was a big hit during the Malaysia Fresh Fruit Fiesta held in Singapore recently.
"Farmers have been asked to venture into this new clone of pink guava because of the big market and promising income."
By Sim Bak Heng
JOHOR BARU: A new clone of pink guava which weighs at least a kilogramme each has caught the attention of the Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (Fama).
In fact, Fama has chosen the variety as the fruit of the year and will intensify its promotions to market the fruit in every fiesta locally and overseas.
The fruit of 2008 and 2007 were cempedak durian and Malay apple (jambu air) respectively.
Fama southern region director Shahid Bakar said pink guava was chosen as it is getting increasingly popular even among retail sellers who serve fruits sliced.
He said the new clone had entered the market a year ago and is selling like hot cakes.
"It could weigh up to 1.2kg a fruit.
"It was a big hit during the Malaysia Fresh Fruit Fiesta held in Singapore recently.
"Farmers have been asked to venture into this new clone of pink guava because of the big market and promising income."
LET'S MAKE MONEY! earn as you drink......
A global networking marketing business opportunity with 50% profit margin. Find out how with a small capital of just RM152.00 you can earn over RM10,000.00 per month. Drop me a line and we'll talk about it...
Home maker

Guava atau dalam bahasa melayu jambu memang dikenali sebagai bahan fiber yang baik. Tapi rasanya tak pernah lagi jumpa orang jual guava yang bewarna merah jambu. I was introduced by a friend who was sick and been admitted for 3 weeks. Test after test, dr tak dapat nak diagnose dia sakit apa, and most likely katanya macam pnemonia. So her father gave this pink guava juice and she had to finish 1 liter in two days. (That is not hard, coz this drink is so yummy. And berkat mencuba & percaya, she was discharged within 2days after consuming pink guava juice. But hey, kita disuruh berusaha dan berdoa untuk mencapai sesuatu. So, jangan kalut kalau sakit, makan ubat and cubalah juga alternatif lain ok.
My husband pulak ada high blood pressure, so selepas mencuba 1 gelas juice ni, i suruh my husband beli 1 karton (12 liter) = RM 152
simply because rasaya YUMMY! Even anak i pon suka minum air ni!
Produk keluaran Golden Hope Plantation, anak syarikat SIME DARBY.
Jom kita tgk khasiatnya...
Kandungan Nutrasi dan kesihatan Jus ‘Pink Guava”
- Menggandung Vitamin C, 5 kali ganda lebih daripada oren
- Kandungan tinggi dalam kalsium dan iron
- Membaiki keadaan cirit-berit, megurangkan kesakitan,
- Anti free radicals, mengurangkan kekejangan
- Menningkatkan fungsi jantung
- Mengurangkan paras gula dalam darah badan.
Fakta-fakta “Pink Guava”
‘Pink Guava’ adalah satu sumber yang baik untuk kesihatan dan ada beberapa jenis vitamin dan mineral, termasuk vitamin C, A, kalsiam kalium dan folate. Ia adalah juga satu sumber gantian yang baik
dikenali untuk membantu mengcegah gastrousus kanser serta merendahkan tahap-tahap kolesterol.
Jus “Pink Guava” mampu menurunkan paras kolestrol dalam badan sebanyak 18.8%. Disyorkan mengambilnya setiap hari dalam jumlah mencukupi bagi memastikan khasiatnya bertindak balas kepada tubuh. Jumlah yg disyorkan ialah 400gm sehari, selama empat minggu. Bagi mereka yang ingin menurunkan berat badan tanpa melupakan diet seimbang, jambu batu merah adalah pilihan yg sesuai.
Interested nak cuba? Check it out here...!!
Home maker
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Loving Terengganu...
Tanah Tepi Pantai Di Penarik, Setiu, Terengganu
Advertised by kadri 4 Aug 09:56

Price: RM 200 000 Size: 1 Acres
Type: Land
Title type: - Tenure: -
Tanah tepi jalan dan pantai di Penarik, untuk dijual. Sesuai untuk Chalet atau rumah persinggahan.Menghadap Pulau Redang. Lot berdekatan telah didirikan chalet dan rumah peranginan. Tanah rata dan tak perlu tambun. Tanah pegangan melayu. Hakmilik selama lama.
Isnt that great?? I would definitely buy if i have the money. Now i dont have the money, what else can i do than working my ass off to get that kind of land in the near future! I so want it...i so want it...and i know we can do it! insya-allah....aminnn
Advertised by kadri 4 Aug 09:56

Price: RM 200 000 Size: 1 Acres
Type: Land
Title type: - Tenure: -
Tanah tepi jalan dan pantai di Penarik, untuk dijual. Sesuai untuk Chalet atau rumah persinggahan.Menghadap Pulau Redang. Lot berdekatan telah didirikan chalet dan rumah peranginan. Tanah rata dan tak perlu tambun. Tanah pegangan melayu. Hakmilik selama lama.
Isnt that great?? I would definitely buy if i have the money. Now i dont have the money, what else can i do than working my ass off to get that kind of land in the near future! I so want it...i so want it...and i know we can do it! insya-allah....aminnn
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
because of you (H1N1)
HOW SAD....:(

Her drawings reflecting to school.

My water bottle misses school.

My school bag misses school.

we decided to pull out aeisya from school for a while...(fyi: alhamdullillah, no H1N1 cases @ school, we r just taking precaution steps)
and this is what i get evry morning...
aeisya: mama, boleh tak aeisya pergi school
mama: boleh, but not today okay
ae...isya: kenapa mama?
mama: because i dont want you to get sick. The weather is really bad so kita kene duduk dalam rumah for a while
aeisya: okay mama...:(
mama: lagilah :((
and she is terribly missing school...:(
Her drawings reflecting to school.
My water bottle misses school.
My school bag misses school.
we decided to pull out aeisya from school for a while...(fyi: alhamdullillah, no H1N1 cases @ school, we r just taking precaution steps)
and this is what i get evry morning...
aeisya: mama, boleh tak aeisya pergi school
mama: boleh, but not today okay
ae...isya: kenapa mama?
mama: because i dont want you to get sick. The weather is really bad so kita kene duduk dalam rumah for a while
aeisya: okay mama...:(
mama: lagilah :((
and she is terribly missing school...:(
the love of my life
Eusoff Jatuh Lagi
I blame myself for this! Kuat jugak dia jatuh, jatuh kebelakang while seating and playing with a ball. Hmmmpphh...Now i am observing, hopefully nothing's serious. Lasak dia tak hinggat nya. Kebelakang kedepan, naik kerusi, tolak kerusi and...DANG!!!!!!! jatuh, but this time around dia tak nangis, coz biasanta dia mesti nangis mcm semalam 2x dia jatuh. The 1st time dia jatuh masa 5mths..jatuh katil plak tu...terus bawak jumpa dr nasir, ampang puteri...and alhamdullilah, he's fine, takde muntah, takde lebam-lebam. We were so scared like hell.. God knows! According to Dr Nasir, Allah is just great. WHy? There's always an explaination on everthing that happens. Like Eusoff's case, he was only 5mths and still ada umbu-umbu (is that what they call it) bahagian yang lembut atas kepala baby tu. Selagi umbu-umbu tu still lembut and belum mengeras, otak dia still flexible. So gongcangkan kepala baby akan berbalik pada keadaan asal (selepas terjatuh)BUT still kene observe laa selagi takde pendarahan, muntah-muntah and etc.
And below is the various info compilation from the net about this matter. Hope it helps.
Anak yang terjatuh dari tempat tidur bisa berbahaya bisa juga tidak. Hal ini kadang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan tingginya tempat tidur, karena ada juga anak yang mengalami perdarahan otak padahal letak tempat tidurnya tidak tinggi.
Yang terpenting sekarang adalah jangan sampai anak anda jatuh lagi. Mungkin 5 kali jatuh yang terdahulu tidak berbahaya, tetapi kita tidak tahu bagaimana beratnya akibat bila anak terjatuh lagi.
Bila anak jatuh, bagaimana menentukan apakah anak bermasalah atau tidak?
Sebenarnya ada beberapa gejala yang patut diperhatikan.Bila terdapat salah satu gejala, sebaiknya segera bawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat. Adapun gejala yang memerlukan perhatian khusus adalah bila ada perdarahan, kejang terutama kejang fokal (misalnya kejang hanya separuh badan saja), muntah-muntah, kelumpuhan, anak tidak sadar. jika terdapat salah satu saja gejala tersebut, jangan ragu2 untuk membawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat.
Apakah anak bisa menjadi bodoh?
Bisa saja bila saat jatuh terjadi perdahan otak. tetapi tidak perlu kuatir. Anda cukup berkonsentrasi pada perkembangan anak saja. Bila anak anda bisa berkembang normal berarti tidak masalah pada otak anak anda. anak anda tidak akan menjadi bodoh bila pendidikan yang didapat anak anda mencukupi.
Perkembangan apa saja yang seharusnya sudah dicapai anak anda?
Usia 9 bulan untuk kemampuan personal sosial seharusnya sudah HARUS bisa memasukkan biskuit ke dalam mulut. Anak anda sudah mulai belajar tepuk tangan, menyatakan keinginan tanpa menangis, daag-daag dengan tangan.
Untuk kemampuan motor halus sudah HARUS bisa memindahkan kubus ke tangan lain, sudah belajar mengambil 2 kubus serta belajar memegang dengan jari.
Untuk kemampuan bahasa sudah belajar mengucapkan papa mama.
Untuk motorik kasar, anak anda sudah HARUS bisa duduk tanpa pegangan, belajar berdiri dengan pegangan.
Bila anak anda sudah mencapai ini semua, berarti tidak ada masalah dengan anak anda.
Semoga dapat membantu.
Dr. Herbowo SpA
p/s but i am still observing! Hopefully he's fine. AMINNN!
I blame myself for this! Kuat jugak dia jatuh, jatuh kebelakang while seating and playing with a ball. Hmmmpphh...Now i am observing, hopefully nothing's serious. Lasak dia tak hinggat nya. Kebelakang kedepan, naik kerusi, tolak kerusi and...DANG!!!!!!! jatuh, but this time around dia tak nangis, coz biasanta dia mesti nangis mcm semalam 2x dia jatuh. The 1st time dia jatuh masa 5mths..jatuh katil plak tu...terus bawak jumpa dr nasir, ampang puteri...and alhamdullilah, he's fine, takde muntah, takde lebam-lebam. We were so scared like hell.. God knows! According to Dr Nasir, Allah is just great. WHy? There's always an explaination on everthing that happens. Like Eusoff's case, he was only 5mths and still ada umbu-umbu (is that what they call it) bahagian yang lembut atas kepala baby tu. Selagi umbu-umbu tu still lembut and belum mengeras, otak dia still flexible. So gongcangkan kepala baby akan berbalik pada keadaan asal (selepas terjatuh)BUT still kene observe laa selagi takde pendarahan, muntah-muntah and etc.
And below is the various info compilation from the net about this matter. Hope it helps.
Anak yang terjatuh dari tempat tidur bisa berbahaya bisa juga tidak. Hal ini kadang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan tingginya tempat tidur, karena ada juga anak yang mengalami perdarahan otak padahal letak tempat tidurnya tidak tinggi.
Yang terpenting sekarang adalah jangan sampai anak anda jatuh lagi. Mungkin 5 kali jatuh yang terdahulu tidak berbahaya, tetapi kita tidak tahu bagaimana beratnya akibat bila anak terjatuh lagi.
Bila anak jatuh, bagaimana menentukan apakah anak bermasalah atau tidak?
Sebenarnya ada beberapa gejala yang patut diperhatikan.Bila terdapat salah satu gejala, sebaiknya segera bawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat. Adapun gejala yang memerlukan perhatian khusus adalah bila ada perdarahan, kejang terutama kejang fokal (misalnya kejang hanya separuh badan saja), muntah-muntah, kelumpuhan, anak tidak sadar. jika terdapat salah satu saja gejala tersebut, jangan ragu2 untuk membawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat.
Apakah anak bisa menjadi bodoh?
Bisa saja bila saat jatuh terjadi perdahan otak. tetapi tidak perlu kuatir. Anda cukup berkonsentrasi pada perkembangan anak saja. Bila anak anda bisa berkembang normal berarti tidak masalah pada otak anak anda. anak anda tidak akan menjadi bodoh bila pendidikan yang didapat anak anda mencukupi.
Perkembangan apa saja yang seharusnya sudah dicapai anak anda?
Usia 9 bulan untuk kemampuan personal sosial seharusnya sudah HARUS bisa memasukkan biskuit ke dalam mulut. Anak anda sudah mulai belajar tepuk tangan, menyatakan keinginan tanpa menangis, daag-daag dengan tangan.
Untuk kemampuan motor halus sudah HARUS bisa memindahkan kubus ke tangan lain, sudah belajar mengambil 2 kubus serta belajar memegang dengan jari.
Untuk kemampuan bahasa sudah belajar mengucapkan papa mama.
Untuk motorik kasar, anak anda sudah HARUS bisa duduk tanpa pegangan, belajar berdiri dengan pegangan.
Bila anak anda sudah mencapai ini semua, berarti tidak ada masalah dengan anak anda.
Semoga dapat membantu.
Dr. Herbowo SpA
p/s but i am still observing! Hopefully he's fine. AMINNN!
the love of my life
Monday, August 3, 2009
my thirty first
Alhamdullilah, i am now 31 yrs old...proud to be a year's a privilege from Allah!
Pictures taken @ gaucho grill..( now i remembered i once requested to eat good steak...and i got it...alhamdullilah)
This was my second visit to gaucho grill, the 1st time was back in 2006, on his 34th birthday...and yes i did blind fold myself..hehe. i know what to order...
2pcs lamb, 2pcs, chicken, 2 pcs beef, 4 big prawn, 1 big lobster, 1 good sausage and 4psc fresh clams...cater for 3-4pax...but we managed to finish the food ourselves! crazy! lol...all that worth rm220 the best for 1/2 lobster
This is the last piece! hubs got it for me from klcc. another 2 @ pavillion taken! alhamdullilah i got it....;))
Design wise...i like LV Noe better...but LV Noe is just canvas, but mine is pure leather...guess i made the right choice at the right time.
Nevertheless...i still want my LV Noe....for next year, but this time around, i hope one of my projects 'meletups' and i will buy with my own money.....insya-allah. Aminnn.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
more celebrations...
August 1st, 2009
today is D day...?????
he's bringging me out for dinner. Why? Im turning 13 ooppps 31 tomorrow. Why today? I assumed my friends gonna throw me a lil celebration one's telling...i am just assuming.
i know there will be a surprise for me...simply because, his mouth is zipped and not saying anything about tonight's do. All i's gonna be a lovvy-dovvy dinner...simply because JUST THE TWO of us!
my mind has start working figuring out something since morning what's for tonight:
and he is still not back YET. Amboi2 syok agaknya dapat naik ferrari...huhu. (Mr. RM and Mr. AAB hav a mission today..kinda lazy to storylahh...;p)
i need to get ready by 7.45pm, definately we will going out after solat magrib.
im excited & (Sexcited! hik ;p)... and i conclude...
Dinner havent started yet...but..
mr rm,
these are the things that i love you love to pamper me with surprises...i know you've been planning this for so long...just to make me the most happiest woman on earth...i just want to thank you for being my bestest life partner, i surely one of the luckiest wifey on earth!
p/s: iloveu!
today is D day...?????
he's bringging me out for dinner. Why? Im turning 13 ooppps 31 tomorrow. Why today? I assumed my friends gonna throw me a lil celebration one's telling...i am just assuming.
i know there will be a surprise for me...simply because, his mouth is zipped and not saying anything about tonight's do. All i's gonna be a lovvy-dovvy dinner...simply because JUST THE TWO of us!
my mind has start working figuring out something since morning what's for tonight:
- menu (i'm starving like hell and just cant wait for dinner)
- venue (need to pick a suitable shirt and get my maid to iron for me)
- why he needs to blind fold my eyes???
- agrrrhhhhhhh....mixed feelings
and he is still not back YET. Amboi2 syok agaknya dapat naik ferrari...huhu. (Mr. RM and Mr. AAB hav a mission today..kinda lazy to storylahh...;p)
i need to get ready by 7.45pm, definately we will going out after solat magrib.
im excited & (Sexcited! hik ;p)... and i conclude...
Dinner havent started yet...but..
mr rm,
these are the things that i love you love to pamper me with surprises...i know you've been planning this for so long...just to make me the most happiest woman on earth...i just want to thank you for being my bestest life partner, i surely one of the luckiest wifey on earth!
p/s: iloveu!
She pops out...!
July 31, 2009...
Alhamdullilah...At last, TNK pops out! Lil Nadra Raniya is born @ 9.45am. A beautiful & healthy baby girl, mom and baby are doing great, daddy is a bit busy with the phone calls and "layaning" visitors...welcome to parenthood guys..and Congratulations..;))
"Take a sprinkling of fairy dust, An angel's single feather, Also a dash of love and care, Then mix them both together. Add a sentiment or two, A thoughtful wish or line, A touch of stardust, a sunshine ray... Its a recipe, for a Baby Girl truly fine."
p/s : she's a leo....another leo in addition...;))
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My birthday is yourself viewing these items for 5mins. Im sure u'll kno what to give me for my birhday pressie... huhuhu

Brand: Dior
Model: 0055
Cost: $ 200
Model: 0055
Cost: $ 200

Brand: Folli Follie
Model: Glow WF6A057BEK
Cost: EUR 300

LV Noe
GBP 625
GBP 625
wish list
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Me...contemplating....and confused!
Sepak myself once...twice! Am I berangan??? I dont know...but today in history...Mr. RM gave me some good which he finally brought me to have a look on HANDBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!! yessss...H.A.N.D.B.A.G.S!!! haha...
Went into few boutiques in KLCC my judgements...i just like the design of LV neverfull or Aigner Icon Cover... and he kept on asking....
"Are you sure you like that handbag?" referring to aigner icon cover... pretty sure i like that design coz it is zipped and CHEAPER....haha....( if he is really gona buy that for me, i just dont want him to spend ridiculously. I am still sane....:))
But down the line.....i am actually confused by the fact that...a few weeks ago, he told me that we kinda gona have quite a strict budget next month and wont be able to buy me anything for my my birthday and our anniversary. Or is he trying to surprise me or something...i just dont know.
Yea...let's just dont over berangan, coz i just dont want to get hurt. If he's buying....Syukur Alhamdullilah....if he's not and i still dont stop berangan' hormone gona be a SUPER DISASTER...
Ok ej....stop dreaming!!!! afterall... im happy...happy to see some changes in him. He is now starting to understand the bonding between "WOMEN & HANDBAGS" .....
p/s: my appreciation to the lovely & honest couple...Atan & Connie...thanks so VERY much for your time, patience and everything...i just had a luvly day... today in history...
Sepak myself once...twice! Am I berangan??? I dont know...but today in history...Mr. RM gave me some good which he finally brought me to have a look on HANDBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!! yessss...H.A.N.D.B.A.G.S!!! haha...
Went into few boutiques in KLCC my judgements...i just like the design of LV neverfull or Aigner Icon Cover... and he kept on asking....
"Are you sure you like that handbag?" referring to aigner icon cover... pretty sure i like that design coz it is zipped and CHEAPER....haha....( if he is really gona buy that for me, i just dont want him to spend ridiculously. I am still sane....:))
But down the line.....i am actually confused by the fact that...a few weeks ago, he told me that we kinda gona have quite a strict budget next month and wont be able to buy me anything for my my birthday and our anniversary. Or is he trying to surprise me or something...i just dont know.
Yea...let's just dont over berangan, coz i just dont want to get hurt. If he's buying....Syukur Alhamdullilah....if he's not and i still dont stop berangan' hormone gona be a SUPER DISASTER...
Ok ej....stop dreaming!!!! afterall... im happy...happy to see some changes in him. He is now starting to understand the bonding between "WOMEN & HANDBAGS" .....
p/s: my appreciation to the lovely & honest couple...Atan & Connie...thanks so VERY much for your time, patience and everything...i just had a luvly day... today in history...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Black & Handsome & Gemok

Scene One
Usually she'll be on the swing everytime i pick her up but not today...she was on the teeter-totter and looking kinda pissed.
I asked her " Are you okay darling ??"
"Tu, Hakimi tak nak share swing dengan aeisya"
"Which one is Hakimi? Show mama"
"Tu.....yang handsome, handsome tu......"
errkkk?? i was like WHATTT???
Asked her again..."Yang mana satu? semua handsome aeisya..."
"Tu mama...yang black color tu"
"Tak baik tau panggil org black time, cakap dark & handsome okay.."
"okay mama"
Scene Two
When i was looking for some vege lettuce for Mr. RM @ Carefour, i bumped into a makcik who owns a gerai somwhere Bandar Baru Ampang, ASIA BAGUS, Thai Food Stall. I must admit, her tomyam is one of the best (standard gerai), to my expectation, loads of lauk pauk, masam, manis semua cukup! So this particular makcik is kinda tembam and chomel, so...
as i was walking finding my things with aeisya, we greeted each other until that lil princess say out loud....
" Nenek ni gemoklah" ....goshhhhhh!!!!! Pucat aku kejab.
I just smile and say..." sorry makcik, budak-budak baru nak blajar cakap"...
Thank God that makcik is okay coz im one of her regular customer! ...DUH!!!
Scene Three
Same location, as i was looking for F&N condensed cure carefour staff was buzy tagging & checking stock and AGAIN that lil princess trying to greet that lady by saying.....
"kakak ni gemoklah"
But this time around..i was so pacnicking like hell and ...
the lady said... " awak pon sama"!! and smiling at her....
Sigh! That was it.....
Since that 3 incidents, i make a point where 10 minutes EVERYDAY....i will make an effort by reminding aeisya of NOT using those ADJECTIVE words anymore and substitute with other word like..."cute", "chomel", "Dark".....and etc.....
Children is the most innocent and honest human being...they just dont know how to pretend...;)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lesson of the day July 17, 09
"how i wish i can......have a medium size landed property and be near to my girlfriends... and how i wish he wishes the same........."

Dang! ....ideal house for my family...finally i found the (closest) perfect layout that can called a HOME... spacious, friendly and can do bbq at my lil garden! yeay! location wise? oklah since where can we get a decent house near kuala lumpur with all the DUKE highway is now open for us to enjoy 10mins drive to taman tun and 15mins to Damansara Curve....that's (alomost) perfect for me...
hmm....why sering ukay??
but...this very morning, i had a quick talk about life with Mr RM...and he was saying...there's only 3 important things that should be aimed.. and that will be:-
Hence..i think it's not gonna be reality and it will only be in my dream....
how i wish i can.....and my life goes on.......;)

so love the corner lot
Dang! ....ideal house for my family...finally i found the (closest) perfect layout that can called a HOME... spacious, friendly and can do bbq at my lil garden! yeay! location wise? oklah since where can we get a decent house near kuala lumpur with all the DUKE highway is now open for us to enjoy 10mins drive to taman tun and 15mins to Damansara Curve....that's (alomost) perfect for me...
hmm....why sering ukay??
- near ampang puteri ( easy to see my kids' paed)
- near aeisya's kinddie
- near aeisya's future school, cbn (as a bbgs'ian myself, u call me traitor...i just want the best for my children)...;p
- near my mom....(errkk...who doenst love their moms??)
- easy excess for hubs workplace
- near klcc/ kuala lumpur
- etc'ss
but...this very morning, i had a quick talk about life with Mr RM...and he was saying...there's only 3 important things that should be aimed.. and that will be:-
- 'mati'
- 'alam bazarkh'
- paradise 'syurga'
Hence..i think it's not gonna be reality and it will only be in my dream....
how i wish i can.....and my life goes on.......;)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
It's been a while ive not written anything... need updates??
It's been a while ive not written anything... need updates??
- the letter 'T' on my keyboard is broken! aeisya buat! tpo
- been buzy with the wedding database
- been buzy and enjoying with motherhood
- still finalising hw work
- oh yeah...somebody masuk rumah and tried to steal something...but he cabuts after i jerit sekuat hati
- prince eusoff is now starting to crawl...yeah and his weight @ 8mths 1 week still 7kg...:(
- princess aeisya is loving her school and the sports day is just around the corner.yeay!
- preparing for raya hampers and cookies
- i have a new hobby! and that is....surfing hijab style on the net.............................:))
- been baking and cooking and loving it...more details....shoot to my food blog...
- keep on berangan that i can get...we can get a landed property....and will be @ sering ukay...(berangan...berangan....)
- ehem ehem...queen's birthday is next month...huhu and our anniversary too....demm...i do not have money to buy anything for him....:(
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Clickbank 1st Sale ...yeah
Alhamdullilah...i did it. My very first sale through click bank. And more to come...insya-allah. Aminnn.
My mentor said...if i can get USD 11...then it is not impossible i can get USD11000...nothing impossible in this world...yes i will do it..AMIN.
Weekly Sales Snapshot
| |
Week Ending | Gross Sales |
2009-04-22 (current week) | $0.00 |
2009-04-15 | $11.34 |
2009-04-08 | $0.00 |
2009-04-01 | $0.00 |
2009-03-25 | $0.00 |
11 januari by gigi
One fine evening...inside his 2008
" Sayang...i nak dedicate this next song to you"
And i asked " Lagu apa?"
He said and smiled " Dengar lah..."
Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah Milikku
Bahagia Selalu Dimiliki
Bertahun Menjalani Bersamamu
Kunyatakan bahwa Engkaulah jiwaku
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Pernahku Menyakiti Hatimu
Pernah kau melupakan janji ini
Semua Karena kita ini manusia
Akulah Penjagamu
Akulah Pelindungmu
Akulah Pendampingmu
Di setiap langkah-langkahmu
Kau bawa diriku
Kedalam hidupmu
Kau basuh diriku
Dengan rasa sayang
Senyummu juga sedihmu adalah Hidupku
Kau sentuh cintaku dengan lembut
Dengan sejuta warna
I forgot the exact date...but that was the first time i listen to that sweet song.... and everytime i hear this song in the radio....i will smile and start to thank to lucky i am to have a perfect man in my life....;p
Trust me...he never has he time to read my blog not even my kitchen blog...huhu.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
There's no such thing as easy money
Sigh...i woke up @ 2.30am to breastfeed Eusoff and he's not back yet. So i texted him asking what time he'll be back...and he said there's a lot more to do. And i continue sleeping...
My son cried around 5.30am and i woke up again to breastfeed him and he's still not back yet. Sigh...timbul kekesalan dan frustration for being such a selfish wife....nak itu ini...nak makan itu i bad wife? for wanting him to fullfill my desires?? sigh...and i continue sleeping again...
6.30am...i called him up and Alhamdullilah...he's somewhere around PWTC about 1/2 hr drive to the house. I thank God again. I cannot sleep and waited for him...
6.55am...i hugged tight as if i do not want him to go away...but he has an appointment with client @ Tabung Haji @ 10am. And so i demanded to have breakfast with him.
9.00am. we ate nasi dagang @ a restaurant nearby our house together....such a great day to begin with...
I conclude my story for today......there's no such thing as easy want hard for it! As the man of the house....i personally respect's hard for him to say NO to us...he will try his ver best to get whateva we ever wanted...almost everything!!!....he will work his ass off to fullfill our needs...that man is the love of my one and only King...;)
My son cried around 5.30am and i woke up again to breastfeed him and he's still not back yet. Sigh...timbul kekesalan dan frustration for being such a selfish wife....nak itu ini...nak makan itu i bad wife? for wanting him to fullfill my desires?? sigh...and i continue sleeping again...
6.30am...i called him up and Alhamdullilah...he's somewhere around PWTC about 1/2 hr drive to the house. I thank God again. I cannot sleep and waited for him...
6.55am...i hugged tight as if i do not want him to go away...but he has an appointment with client @ Tabung Haji @ 10am. And so i demanded to have breakfast with him.
9.00am. we ate nasi dagang @ a restaurant nearby our house together....such a great day to begin with...
I conclude my story for today......there's no such thing as easy want hard for it! As the man of the house....i personally respect's hard for him to say NO to us...he will try his ver best to get whateva we ever wanted...almost everything!!!....he will work his ass off to fullfill our needs...that man is the love of my one and only King...;)
Falling Slowly...once
I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along
I never know this lovely song ever exist until someone in American Idol sang this song last nite...and it's such a beautiful song...After seeing the videoclip on youtube...make me wanna download the movie...;)
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along
I never know this lovely song ever exist until someone in American Idol sang this song last nite...and it's such a beautiful song...After seeing the videoclip on youtube...make me wanna download the movie...;)
April 09
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's Saturday
Sigh...Im sick and tired of being sick and running nose make me wanna sleep the whole day but i just cant. I need to start uploading my 1st video to YouTube. Woke up as early as 7.30 on Saturday morning, guess id rather organise my day for today.
Oh yes...been craving for fatty crab since i need to fill my tummy with more cholestrol and iron tomorrow. YEAH hubby is buying! huhu. Just cant wait for tomorrow.
I need to introduce you people about this hot product that worth buying...only RM 70. Check it out
Oh yes...been craving for fatty crab since i need to fill my tummy with more cholestrol and iron tomorrow. YEAH hubby is buying! huhu. Just cant wait for tomorrow.
I need to introduce you people about this hot product that worth buying...only RM 70. Check it out
April 09
Life isnt easy...
Today is April 2, 2009.
Yea...just registered this blog. I guess i need this blog just to share my ideas n thoughts about making money from home. I am a housewife but not so desperate (huhu)...
But seriously im not now... but i am surviving and willing to learn and try new ideas....Currently i am learning about being and affiliate from commision junction and also clickbank. Dont ask me asything coz i am a pro...YET! Give it a time...i'll prove to everyone that a housewife like me can also contribute $$$$$ in the family.
For an intro, i just resigned from a super duper company called "Greencity Group Berhad" or Greencity Network (think so) company based in Wangsa Maju...need me to tell more...hehe
and yes i was not being paid for 6 f**k*** months!! telling you the truth. I was pregnant when they started not paying the staffs. And humble me have no choice than just waiting and hoping until i give birth....but u know what. I did begging the CEO of that super duper company to pay sum amount of the money...and he did...i got 3mths salary before raya 2008. And that was more! and the balance is another 6 mths salary!!! +++ all my benefits and claims...
And here i am...being a super duper house wife since January 2009. Always-always...always in my prayer...i hope and i will make 2009 is a good year for me and my beloved ones...insya-allah. Amin
Yea...just registered this blog. I guess i need this blog just to share my ideas n thoughts about making money from home. I am a housewife but not so desperate (huhu)...
But seriously im not now... but i am surviving and willing to learn and try new ideas....Currently i am learning about being and affiliate from commision junction and also clickbank. Dont ask me asything coz i am a pro...YET! Give it a time...i'll prove to everyone that a housewife like me can also contribute $$$$$ in the family.
For an intro, i just resigned from a super duper company called "Greencity Group Berhad" or Greencity Network (think so) company based in Wangsa Maju...need me to tell more...hehe
and yes i was not being paid for 6 f**k*** months!! telling you the truth. I was pregnant when they started not paying the staffs. And humble me have no choice than just waiting and hoping until i give birth....but u know what. I did begging the CEO of that super duper company to pay sum amount of the money...and he did...i got 3mths salary before raya 2008. And that was more! and the balance is another 6 mths salary!!! +++ all my benefits and claims...
And here i am...being a super duper house wife since January 2009. Always-always...always in my prayer...i hope and i will make 2009 is a good year for me and my beloved ones...insya-allah. Amin
April 09
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