today is D day...?????
he's bringging me out for dinner. Why? Im turning 13 ooppps 31 tomorrow. Why today? I assumed my friends gonna throw me a lil celebration one's telling...i am just assuming.
i know there will be a surprise for me...simply because, his mouth is zipped and not saying anything about tonight's do. All i's gonna be a lovvy-dovvy dinner...simply because JUST THE TWO of us!
my mind has start working figuring out something since morning what's for tonight:
- menu (i'm starving like hell and just cant wait for dinner)
- venue (need to pick a suitable shirt and get my maid to iron for me)
- why he needs to blind fold my eyes???
- agrrrhhhhhhh....mixed feelings
and he is still not back YET. Amboi2 syok agaknya dapat naik ferrari...huhu. (Mr. RM and Mr. AAB hav a mission today..kinda lazy to storylahh...;p)
i need to get ready by 7.45pm, definately we will going out after solat magrib.
im excited & (Sexcited! hik ;p)... and i conclude...
Dinner havent started yet...but..
mr rm,
these are the things that i love you love to pamper me with surprises...i know you've been planning this for so long...just to make me the most happiest woman on earth...i just want to thank you for being my bestest life partner, i surely one of the luckiest wifey on earth!
p/s: iloveu!
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