" All I can share now after being there myself is that everything is magnificient. The house is going to be a place we can call home. It exceeded my expectation. The area and the surroundings are very serene and calming with the fresh air with the birds and cricket sound. They even claimed that we don't have to install any aircond, and in the early morning, they will be mist all over the place. On the way out, at the top the the road before it descend to the sales office, we can actually saw the KLCC from there. What a view. " -- anonymous
Hurmm........i kinda like serenia gardens, sejuk je. Dekat dengan ampang yang penting.
Our loan is approved @ 80%. Alhamdullilah, but mana nak cari RM 50k nak top up nih???
Im stressed...i bet, he is too. But need to move out from my mom's place asap. Dah tak muat bilik dah kami anak beranak. Badan pulak semua besaq rumah. I actually gave up oredi. Mr RM pon ada cakap. If loan tak lepas, i can go shopping with the refund booking fee amounting RM 2700.
Dah berangan pon to get myself a bb. Dah semua skrg dok pakat pakai bb, kita pon nak gak kan.
But i guess, Mr. RM is not giving up YET. He's still trying to figure out something BRILLIANT... without applying any sort of loan.
Nak refinance rumah subang?? 3 bulan at least babe! mana nak cekau rm5ok skrg??
hurmm.......Kalo Allah kata rumah tu rezeki, kot manapon, mmg rumah tu nanti aku punya....kalau x....adalah sebaliknya....
Although im giving up oredi, tipulah kalau aku xnak rumah tu kan....i am willing to help Mr. RM walau mcm mana carapun...
Sbnrnya i did broke down 2 weeks go sbb 5 other banks rejected our application. Cuma bank hok 1 ni je yg approved. Yer lah, siap pi site visit tu...
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