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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

because of you (H1N1)

HOW SAD....:(

Her drawings reflecting to school.

My water bottle misses school.

My school bag misses school.


we decided to pull out aeisya from school for a while...(fyi: alhamdullillah, no H1N1 cases @ school, we r just taking precaution steps)

and this is what i get evry morning...

aeisya: mama, boleh tak aeisya pergi school
mama: boleh, but not today okay
ae...isya: kenapa mama?
mama: because i dont want you to get sick. The weather is really bad so kita kene duduk dalam rumah for a while
aeisya: okay mama...:(
mama: lagilah :((

and she is terribly missing school...:(

Eusoff Jatuh Lagi


I blame myself for this! Kuat jugak dia jatuh, jatuh kebelakang while seating and playing with a ball. Hmmmpphh...Now i am observing, hopefully nothing's serious. Lasak dia tak hinggat nya. Kebelakang kedepan, naik kerusi, tolak kerusi and...DANG!!!!!!! jatuh, but this time around dia tak nangis, coz biasanta dia mesti nangis mcm semalam 2x dia jatuh. The 1st time dia jatuh masa 5mths..jatuh katil plak tu...terus bawak jumpa dr nasir, ampang puteri...and alhamdullilah, he's fine, takde muntah, takde lebam-lebam. We were so scared like hell.. God knows! According to Dr Nasir, Allah is just great. WHy? There's always an explaination on everthing that happens. Like Eusoff's case, he was only 5mths and still ada umbu-umbu (is that what they call it) bahagian yang lembut atas kepala baby tu. Selagi umbu-umbu tu still lembut and belum mengeras, otak dia still flexible. So gongcangkan kepala baby akan berbalik pada keadaan asal (selepas terjatuh)BUT still kene observe laa selagi takde pendarahan, muntah-muntah and etc.

And below is the various info compilation from the net about this matter. Hope it helps.

Anak yang terjatuh dari tempat tidur bisa berbahaya bisa juga tidak. Hal ini kadang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan tingginya tempat tidur, karena ada juga anak yang mengalami perdarahan otak padahal letak tempat tidurnya tidak tinggi.
Yang terpenting sekarang adalah jangan sampai anak anda jatuh lagi. Mungkin 5 kali jatuh yang terdahulu tidak berbahaya, tetapi kita tidak tahu bagaimana beratnya akibat bila anak terjatuh lagi.
Bila anak jatuh, bagaimana menentukan apakah anak bermasalah atau tidak?
Sebenarnya ada beberapa gejala yang patut diperhatikan.Bila terdapat salah satu gejala, sebaiknya segera bawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat. Adapun gejala yang memerlukan perhatian khusus adalah bila ada perdarahan, kejang terutama kejang fokal (misalnya kejang hanya separuh badan saja), muntah-muntah, kelumpuhan, anak tidak sadar. jika terdapat salah satu saja gejala tersebut, jangan ragu2 untuk membawa anak anda ke rumah sakit terdekat.
Apakah anak bisa menjadi bodoh?
Bisa saja bila saat jatuh terjadi perdahan otak. tetapi tidak perlu kuatir. Anda cukup berkonsentrasi pada perkembangan anak saja. Bila anak anda bisa berkembang normal berarti tidak masalah pada otak anak anda. anak anda tidak akan menjadi bodoh bila pendidikan yang didapat anak anda mencukupi.
Perkembangan apa saja yang seharusnya sudah dicapai anak anda?
Usia 9 bulan untuk kemampuan personal sosial seharusnya sudah HARUS bisa memasukkan biskuit ke dalam mulut. Anak anda sudah mulai belajar tepuk tangan, menyatakan keinginan tanpa menangis, daag-daag dengan tangan.
Untuk kemampuan motor halus sudah HARUS bisa memindahkan kubus ke tangan lain, sudah belajar mengambil 2 kubus serta belajar memegang dengan jari.
Untuk kemampuan bahasa sudah belajar mengucapkan papa mama.
Untuk motorik kasar, anak anda sudah HARUS bisa duduk tanpa pegangan, belajar berdiri dengan pegangan.
Bila anak anda sudah mencapai ini semua, berarti tidak ada masalah dengan anak anda.

Semoga dapat membantu.

Dr. Herbowo SpA

p/s but i am still observing! Hopefully he's fine. AMINNN!

Monday, August 3, 2009

my thirty first

Alhamdullilah, i am now 31 yrs old...proud to be a year's a privilege from Allah!

Pictures taken @ gaucho grill..( now i remembered i once requested to eat good steak...and i got it...alhamdullilah)

This was my second visit to gaucho grill, the 1st time was back in 2006, on his 34th birthday...and yes i did blind fold myself..hehe. i know what to order...

taraaa........a mixture of the land and the ocean...

2pcs lamb, 2pcs, chicken, 2 pcs beef, 4 big prawn, 1 big lobster, 1 good sausage and 4psc fresh clams...cater for 3-4pax...but we managed to finish the food ourselves! crazy! lol...all that worth rm220 the best for 1/2 lobster

SURPRISED!!!!!......i love u baby!

This is the last piece! hubs got it for me from klcc. another 2 @ pavillion taken! alhamdullilah i got it....;))

Design wise...i like LV Noe better...but LV Noe is just canvas, but mine is pure leather...guess i made the right choice at the right time.

Nevertheless...i still want my LV Noe....for next year, but this time around, i hope one of my projects 'meletups' and i will buy with my own money.....insya-allah. Aminnn.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

more celebrations...

August 1st, 2009

today is D day...?????

he's bringging me out for dinner. Why? Im turning 13 ooppps 31 tomorrow. Why today? I assumed my friends gonna throw me a lil celebration one's telling...i am just assuming.

i know there will be a surprise for me...simply because, his mouth is zipped and not saying anything about tonight's do. All i's gonna be a lovvy-dovvy dinner...simply because JUST THE TWO of us!

my mind has start working figuring out something since morning what's for tonight:

  • menu (i'm starving like hell and just cant wait for dinner)
  • venue (need to pick a suitable shirt and get my maid to iron for me)
  • why he needs to blind fold my eyes???
  • agrrrhhhhhhh....mixed feelings

and he is still not back YET. Amboi2 syok agaknya dapat naik ferrari...huhu. (Mr. RM and Mr. AAB hav a mission today..kinda lazy to storylahh...;p)
i need to get ready by 7.45pm, definately we will going out after solat magrib.

im excited & (Sexcited! hik ;p)... and i conclude...

Dinner havent started yet...but..
mr rm,

these are the things that i love you love to pamper me with surprises...i know you've been planning this for so long...just to make me the most happiest woman on earth...i just want to thank you for being my bestest life partner, i surely one of the luckiest wifey on earth!


p/s: iloveu!

She pops out...!

July 31, 2009...

Alhamdullilah...At last, TNK pops out! Lil Nadra Raniya is born @ 9.45am. A beautiful & healthy baby girl, mom and baby are doing great, daddy is a bit busy with the phone calls and "layaning" visitors...welcome to parenthood guys..and Congratulations..;))

"Take a sprinkling of fairy dust, An angel's single feather, Also a dash of love and care, Then mix them both together. Add a sentiment or two, A thoughtful wish or line, A touch of stardust, a sunshine ray... Its a recipe, for a Baby Girl truly fine."

p/s : she's a leo....another leo in addition...;))