2009 is ending in two days time... everybody is setting a new year resolutions and missions, and how about you?
I have none actually except for taknak makan nasi...haha macam real
But that will be our ( me and hubs resolution for 2010 )...
reasons nak kurus of course and to live a healthier life...insya-allah
my 2009 was great...everything single thing about 2009 has make me a better person than 2008.
is great, having a great life partner, a bestest friend, a husband and also a great father to children is most beautiful gift of all... without him i'll be nothing. The additional of young gentlemen to my quiet lil family is superb and i hope i can make more babies next year, a twins perhaps... parents and siblings.. we've become closer after 'that' discussion..
Thanks to my brother for the calling...
I can conclude my love life in 2009 is just superb, alhamdullilah
work/ financial
after almost a year of not working, i think i should be doing something to make my pocket happier. haha
With so many wanting this and that, and my likings to those beautiful handbags, arghhhh, hubs is not that keen of giving me 'face' buying me those expensive handbags that often.
and to achieve my goals in getting the infinity list of my wantings, and to make that one tiny mouth shut off...whattt??
i have to plan something lahhhh of course!
since hubs does not like the idea of me working with people, i have to start a business. Yes! Business!
Insya-allah, if everthing goes well...i'll be operating my digital print in March 2010. Insya-allah. Aminnn.
hmmm...2009 ups and downs has made me a better person. i am trying and still trying to be closer to my creator. my determination has totally changed.
Semuanya kerana Allah yang satu.
Apa pun yang akan ku buat semuanya kerana Allah.
Thanks to esq, coz esq yang membuka mindaku menjadi lebih waras memikirkan kewujudanNya.
Nawaituku untuk membuat business adalah untuk menolong suamiku, untuk lebih menyelesakan hidup kami anak beranak, membahagiakan ibu-bapaku, and hopefully untuk membuka lebih banyak peluang pada orang-orang lain mendapat pekerjaan. Insya-allah. AMINNN.
Ya allah, permudahkan lah segala urusanku...aminnn